HIV-1 envelope-reactive broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) epitopes
EpitopeEnv locationResidues (amino acids/ regions)ReferencesepitopeID
CD4-binding site276-282Loop D; key contacts - PNGS (N\*S/T) N279-280West et al, PNAS, 2012Loop D
CD4-binding site365-371CD4-binding site (bs) loop; key contact - D368West et al, PNAS, 2012bs loop
CD4-binding site456-469V5 loop; key contact – R456West et al, PNAS, 2012V5 loop
V2-apex166Arginine (R)Andrabi et al., Immunity, 2015V2-apex
V2-apex168-171Lysine (K)-richHaynes et al., Nat Immunol Rev., 2022V2-apex
V2-apex156, 160PNGS (N\*S/T)Haynes et al., Nat Immunol Rev., 2022V2-apex
V3-glycan301, 332PNGS (N\*S/T)Haynes et al., Nat Immunol Rev., 2022V3-glycan
V3-glycan324-327GDIRHaynes et al., Nat Immunol Rev., 2022V3-glycan
Gp41 MPER662-667ELDKWAMunir, Haynes, et al. (Duke)Gp41-1
Gp41 MPER671-676NWFNITMunir, Haynes, et al. (Duke)Gp41-1
Gp41 fusion peptide512-527AVGIGAVFLGFLGAAGKong et al., Science, 2016Gp41-2
Gp120-gp41 interface611 (gp41)PNGS (N\*S/T)Falskowka et al., Immunity, 2014Interface-1
Gp120-gp41 interface637 (gp41)PNGS (N\*S/T)Falskowka et al., Immunity, 2014Interface-2
Gp120-gp41 interface276 (gp120)PNGS (N\*S/T)Falskowka et al., Immunity, 2014Loop D
Gp120-gp41 interface448 (gp120)PNGS (N\*S/T)Falskowka et al., Immunity, 2014Interface-3
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